Say unto the Nations: Thus says the Lord (7)

The foxes have their holes and the birds of the air have their nests
but the Son of man has nowhere to lay His head.
You will soon be considered wanderers, going from place to place.
Do not think that I have forsaken you.
I have warned you.
They shall take all that you have.
I have warned you before.
Do you recall that I said the servant is not greater than his Lord?
They have persecuted Me, they shall also persecute you?
Do not be attached to your worldly comforts,
for some of them will be gone in an instant.
You will be discomforted and destitute and without many things.
Do not say that the Lord does not care for me.
Behold I have warned you before.
I will care for you and I will provide for you
but it will be much different than the way you are used to.

I have told you before.
You will long to see the Son of Man return.
Some of you will see Him.
The times coming will be very difficult.
You must keep your eyes on Me.
You must hear what I am saying to you.
Many will come into the kingdom, many more will fall away,
for these will be rough, the times will be very difficult.
Those who say I have forsaken them will be forgotten, long forgotten.
Look up, for your redemption draws nigh.
Behold. I am coming soon.
I am right at the door.
Look to Me for all your needs.
Look to Me for understanding.
Memorize My word.
Remember what I have told you.
Study the warnings I have laid out for you in My word
and trust My Holy Sprit to lead you and guide you into all truth.

I will be with you always even unto the end of the world, says the Lord.

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