Seasons and Time

To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven
: Ecclesiastes 3:1

Time goes so fast
It doesn’t stop for anyone or anything
Keeps moving along
It seems to be going faster
Everything seems to be going faster

Jesus said the days will be shortened for the sake of the elect
Each day flies by, is that what He meant?
The seasons come and go and the monumental moments
become a distant memory, a faint picture, most slowly fading away

Our life is but a breath
Each one of us has a very short time here on this planet
As we spend each day toiling in the things of this world,
we are reminded by the seasons that we are just passing through

One day, we will be gone from this Earth
It is then we will stand before the Lord
He will glean our efforts for Him and toss away the wood, hay and stubble
That day can come at any time, we may live a full life of many years
or a tragedy or illness could strike us at anytime
We have many things to do, that we hope to accomplish
And, everyday, life takes its toll, almost seeming to steal our time away
Be sure to honor the Lord with the first fruits of your time,
otherwise, you are giving Him leftovers
and most of us have little time leftover in our days

Always give God your best, give the best to Him, first and foremost
The rest will take care of itself
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;
and all these things shall be added unto you
. Matthew 6:33

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