Sound the Alarm

My exhortation:
Sound the alarm.
Warn the people.
Speak it out, say it loud.
The Lord is near.
His judgment is upon the earth.
There will be no escape and His timing is just.

There are no more chances.
It is time to decide.
Now is the day of salvation.
Clear your head, put off the foolish festivities.

Follow the Lord and do what He asks of you.
Those who refuse will be swallowed in the chaos,
in the turmoil and they will not find a solid footing, no place of rest.

Jesus’ Response:
It will be harder and harder to follow Me as the days go on, says the Lord.
Make your choices.
Decide this day whom you will serve.
Carrying your cross will become more difficult as the end draws near.
If you are not nestled in My protection, in My shelter,
it will be nearly impossible to stand for Me.
And the world will tear at your faith.
You must feast on My word each day.
Not just eat a morsel here and there,
you must feast says the Lord.
Read, study. seek understanding and listen to My direction.

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