Speaking Out Against Those Who Proclaim the Name of Christ

Consider this quote:
“Televangelists are false prophets. They come in the name of Christ,
but their goal is your money, not your salvation.”

The quote was on social media. He got very angry at my response:
When I questioned him using the term ‘all’,
He responded that he had never seen a good televangelist,
so he maintained that they were all bad.

He never got it and we parted ways, with him being very angry.
All I was trying to tell him is if he had a specific false doctrine to point out
for a specific person, and he can stand before God, knowing he is right,
if he is speaking for God, he had better be sure God is in it.
If we speak against every preacher or teacher or person
and lump them all together, then, we are ourselves in error.
How can we possibly know
that all TV preachers are disappointing to the Lord?
We had better be clear about what we say.
We will be judged by the same standards we measure out.

We also need to be careful when speaking out against God’s people.
Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
Psalm 105:15

King Saul was a good example of not touching God’s anointed.
David left the condemnation up to God. David honored God’s anointed
even though God was lifting the anointing from Saul.
David wouldn’t even let his men kill Saul
because he did not want to be responsible for Saul’s death,
even though, at that point, Saul was a very wicked king.
King David honored God and He trusted God to take care of Saul.
David wanted no part in that,
even though Saul tried to kill David multiple times, David trusted God.

And he said unto his men,
The Lord forbid that I should do this thing unto my master,
the Lord’s anointed, to stretch forth mine hand against him,
seeing he is the anointed of the Lord.
So David stayed his servants with these words,
and suffered them not to rise against Saul.
But Saul rose up out of the cave, and went on his way
. 1 Samuel 24:6-7

Those who are in the Prosperity Doctrine, that is,
they teach the love of money mixed with the gospel,
God is not happy with them.
We are allowed to point out false doctrine.
We know them by their fruits,
but that does not mean we can condemn them to Hell
or to partake in their demise. Let God be God.

The simple truth is none of us knows that
every single prosperity preacher is going to Hell.
We cannot judge their hearts since we cannot see their hearts.
God speaks to them, and to Him are the decisions of their downfall,
and it is up to Him when His patience with them will end. It’s not up to us.

As with all of us, God is patient and He warns people.
I personally have spoken against particular preachers
when I was directed by the Holy Spirit.
We also don’t want to say more or less than Jesus gives us.
We also do not want to judge without His discernment.
Judgment in the flesh is not beneficial.

Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things,
be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot,
and blameless
. 2 Peter 3:14

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