Tell Them Anyway

They won’t listen?
Tell them anyway.
They won’t hear?
Tell them anyway.
They will make fun of you.
They will laugh,
they will mock,
they won’t believe a word you say.
Tell them anyway.
Preach the gospel.
Be ready in season and out.
Listen to the Holy Spirit.
He will give you the words He wants you to speak.
That does not mean they will listen or even hear.
Some of them have their minds made up.
They will not listen or hear or take to heart anything you say.
Others, you can snatch out of Hell’s Fire.
And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire;
hating even the garment spotted by the flesh
. Jude 1:23

We cannot see hearts.
Some may be influenced by demonic powers.
Some have had their own issues that have kept them from the cross.
The only One who knows this is God.
So, if He prompts you, if He leads you,
if He shows you His love toward someone, let it flow.
You could be the one who He uses to get through to them.
If they refuse your words, you are free, if they accept your words,
you have won their soul, either way, you have been obedient.

Don’t let ego get in the way.
A spoken word refused is not a failure on your part.
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 1 Corinthians 3:6
It is Jesus who gives the increase.
He opens eyes and hearts to the Father.
Without Him, no one would make it.
Their souls are out of our hands,
whether they accept Jesus or reject Him is not our concern
but to preach the gospel and to obey God.

Ask God for open doors,
for conversations where you can speak His word as He directs.
That is the Holy Spirit working.
You may never know the outcome
or you may reap what others have sown right before your eyes.

If you were to speak a word to someone and have refused,
God will judge our actions, that we have not repented of, in the end.
God is always looking to help us, to encourage us to do His will.
He offers strength and courage when needed and opens opportunities.
We cannot fathom the depths of His love for the unsaved.
If we can grasp even a portion of that love,
we will do well for the Kingdom of God.

Don’t throw anyone away.
God may judge them, that does not mean there is not a chance.
There is no sin Jesus cannot forgive
except for the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit,
which we have no way of knowing.
If you have an open door for God, go through it.
Be unfearful of the consequences and He will reward you.
If they refuse, you have done your part:
He that believeth on Him is not condemned:
but he that believeth not is condemned already,
because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

John 3:18
Tell them anyway.

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