That Check in Your Spirit

You know when you want to say something
and you get a check in your spirit that you’d better not?
Or when you’re going to do something
and you know better?
That check in your spirit is from the Lord

I grew up with the old cartoons
There was a devil on one shoulder telling people to do something bad
and an angel on the other shoulder telling them to do the right thing
It’s not exactly like that, but we all have a reminder from God
and we either listen or we don’t, some people never listen to the Holy Spirit

If you have given your life to the Lord, your life no longer belongs to yourself,
you can take it back and do what you please,
but serving the flesh gets old
When you serve your flesh, it can be the battle of the flesh
or the external influences to do the wrong thing
The Holy Spirit nudges us to make the right decision

Listen to what He is showing you and telling you
We can grieve the Holy Spirit by doing things we know are against His word, what He has commanded us,
by not loving our neighbor as oneself
or any other commandments He has given us
They are all in His word
We cannot toss aside His word to help us do what is wrong in His sight
We should have our senses exercised to do what is right

But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, 
even those who by reason of use
have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
Hebrews 5:15
In other words, someone who has spent a lot of time in the word, in prayer,
in seeking the Lord to understand His ways

Jesus is always there to help us with wisdom and strength,
ask for wisdom and strength, God will provide them as needed
You might not even understand how you were able
to get through whatever it was you were going through in God’s way,
but you’ll see His hand and His Holy Spirit’s work in action

Be sensitive to that check in your spirit

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