Pride is not our friend.
It helps us to think lofty thoughts.
Maybe it’s already in us.
Maybe the thoughts are given to us by the dark side.
Maybe a little of both.
Satan is always lurking about like a roaring lion.
He’s looking for that opening, looking for that crack in our armour.
Our flesh needs to be purged from pride.
Today, I thought it was all gone.
It crept in and I took the bait and then, lo and behold, I fell flat on my face.
In front of all the people I had lifted myself up in front of.
Hard lessons in life.
If I hadn’t gone up so high, the fall wouldn’t have hurt so much.
I found it a little funny in a God way. Disciplining me.
Reminding me who is to be worshiped.
An obvious truth.
I should say that I didn’t want to be worshiped, but isn’t that what pride is?
We want adoration about something.
I thought all that ugly, yucky pride was gone. Or did it come back?
Confess and receive forgiveness.
I had to tell myself:
Get up, pick up that cross and get back on the narrow road.
Lessons learned.
More for Jesus to clean.
More for me to hand over for Him to clean.
A never-ending process until…
Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
and it doth not yet appear what we shall be:
but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him;
for we shall see Him as He is. 1 John 3:2
…until we see Him face to face…