The Love of an Animal

I once saw a story of a turtle
who laid on top of the grave of her mate for 5 days, grieving
Animals love, so if you ever wondered if we’ll see our beloved creatures again,
consider this sentence from 1 Corinthians 13:8, Love never fails.
That means love outlasts everything
So, true love means it’s always there, even with our animals

Dogs are one of the greatest gifts God has given humankind
They happen to be my favorite animal

They are loyal, trustworthy, caring,
many of the attributes we would hope humans have but most do not

They are always glad to see you, they trust you,
they are content whenever you are near
They lift your spirits when you are down
They distract you from troubles, keep you grounded

Just like with any creature, some are better than others,
some are easier to love, just like with people
Some need more training, compassion, patience,
others are just like they are supposed to be
They say with a dog, you get out what you put in
I’d say, you always get more than you put in with a dog
They surprise you with their personalities and acceptance and loyalty

They always need you to give them what they need
and they sometimes make you forget your own concerns,
which can be a good thing

When I was growing up, I was severely neglected and abused
We had dogs and they sufficed
They got me through some very tough times
I loved my dogs
They always cared for me

Always glad to see me, always willing to offer a hug,
always there when you needed them to be
They taught me how to care for something, how to be considerate

The Lord wants us to care for the animals that are in our lives
Treat the least of these with respect and love, caring for their needs

A righteous man regards the life of his animal,
But the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.
Proverbs 12:10

The reminder here is:
But my God shall supply all your need
according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus
. Philippians 4:19
They often are helpful and good friends to humans
There is a lot to learn about kindness and other qualities
that Jesus might allow us to learn from our animals

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