There is a Snake in the Grass!

I had a dream of a snake. The snake was huge. I could only see its body,
not its head or its tail. This snake was in the grass, partially covered.
I knew it couldn’t bite me, I wasn’t afraid of this snake.
Its colors were brilliant. It was red and black.
A deep red body with diamond-shaped black markings down its back.
There were also small yellow markings
that made the red and the black stand out more vividly.
It was full. It looked as though it had just eaten a meal or several meals.

I really didn’t think much of the dream, but I kept thinking about it.
Then, the interpretation came to me.

The snake represents Satan, of course:
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,
walketh about, seeking whom he may devour
: 1 Peter 5:8

The red in the bible represents many things: the blood of Christ,
but it also represents violence, which seems more fitting to this dream.
The black represents darkness and death.
The yellow accentuated the other colors, to bring light to Satan’s devices.

Satan uses who he can to cause destruction.
People allow him to do just that.
It’s even better for the devil if he can use Christians
and cause division between brethren.
He will use whomever he can compel, whoever will let him.
This snake was full. He had already devoured his prey.

This dream did reflect two situations in my life.
One was not a fellow believer and one was not.
The Lord heard my cry.
He will turn the situation to good as He promised in His word.
Forgiveness from the bottom of hearts is being tested.
It is also a reminder that we will be betrayed by fellow believers
and those we trust. Hide yourself in the shadow of His wings.

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy:
and nothing shall by any means hurt you
. Luke 10:19

Trust in the Lord and do good.

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