Jesus is not a far off God who is not interested in us.
He is both near and far.
He fills Heaven and Earth.
Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off?
Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord.
Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord. Jeremiah 23:23-24
He is near and He is near to those who call upon Him in truth.
The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, t
o all that call upon Him in truth. Psalm 145:18
We were created for His pleasure.
Not sure we always meet that mark, but overall,
God made us to fellowship with Him and to worship Him, if we so choose.
This people have I formed for Myself; they shall shew forth My praise. Isaiah 43:21
The choosing is up to us.
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power:
for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.
Revelation 4:11
God mentions some of His friends in the bible.
What an honor that would be, to be God’s friend.
He’s everybody’s friend if they want Him to be, but does He call you friend?
Is Jesus talking to you when He says this?
Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends;
for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. John 15:15
That’s where choice comes in.
Are you a friend to God and of God? Reciprocity.
Being a good friend to people, hopefully, you know how to do that.
Being a good friend takes a lot of qualities.
Nobody has every single one every single moment of the day,
but for the most part, we can all agree what being a good friend means.
It means caring and integrity
and the ability to let things go when they aren’t worth focusing on
and being there for anther person
and, when necessary, putting the friend’s needs above our own.
There are many ways to describe a friend.
I suppose since we are all unique individuals and He looks on our hearts,
God accepts our efforts of friendship if we choose to give them to Him.
Time is one of the most important elements of any relationship, including friendship.
A way to consider friendship with God is that
He wants to share all He has with you.
He is not stingy but He will not share His kingdom
with those who do not appreciate Him.
Who can blame Him on that?
He already had Satan and his angels in Heaven and had to cast them out.
They lost their privileges.
They have another dwelling that was made for them after they were cast out.
Their ability to fellowship with God was forever broken.
If we choose Jesus, We will inherit the Kingdom of God.
Fear not, little flock;
for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32