Touching on Numbers in the Bible

I was reading Revelation 21 the other day
I noticed the New Jerusalem had very specific measurements
I started thinking about numbers
I know there are studies people have done about numbers
This is not to complete a study, this is just to be aware and consider
some of the numbers in the bible and their importance
God fits things together like a puzzle
The Lord may share some thing with you,
this writing is just to spark your interest, get you thinking how many intentional uses of numbers and to possibly inquire to the Lord about their significance as you notice them
Some people are enigmatic thinkers, others, like me, are more abstract
Jesus has all attributes
He was very careful with some of the timelines
and days and measurements and numbers

Let’s just take a look at some of the most recognized numbers in the bible
From Revelation 21:
12,000 furlongs v 16
And had a wall great and high, 
and had twelve gates,
and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon,
which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: v 12
12 gemstones, 12 gates made of pearls vs. 19-21
Jesus had 12 disciples, who, after He died and rose again,
continued and became apostles
Judas, the betrayer, was replaced so there were still 12

Elijah built the altar to the Lord with 12 stones for the tribes of Israel
Joshua put 12 stones for the priests to bear the Ark of the Covenant Joshua 4:3
The Tree of Life bears 12 fruits Revelation 22:2
144 cubits 12×12 v17
There are 144,000 sealed earlier in Revelation
12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel
The Old Testament has many mentions of the number 12, the size of the altar, the silver chargers, the silver bowls, the spoons of gold, all 12
The man whose daughter was dying was 12 years old (from Luke 8:42)
The woman Jesus healed had the issue of blood for 12 years (from Luke 8:43)
Jesus fed the 5,000 with 5 loaves, 12 baskets remained (from Mark 8:19)

There are 7 seals, 7 bowls and 7 trumpets, 7 churches, 7 Spirits of God,
7 last plagues, 7 angels, 7 stars, 7 golden candlesticks
7 baskets were left after feeding the 4,000
The Great Red Dragon has 7 heads and 7 crowns upon his 7 heads
Jesus said forgive 70×7
Job’s friends sat with him while he grieved for 7 days and 7 nights
Then at the end of Job’s misery,
God told the comforters to take 7 rams and 7 bullocks
to sacrifice for their sins, for how they spoke to Job in error
Naaman had leprosy and Elijah told him to wash in the Jordan 7 times
(from 2 Kings 5:10)
We know there’ll be 7 years of the Great Tribulation,
1335 days (from Daniel 12:12)

We can just touch the surface on the number subject,
but let’s consider one last number, Satan’s number
It’s a mystery still about the Antichrist, whose number is 666
Some try to figure it out using numerology, we all still don’t know,
though some think they do
But let us be aware, it is wise to know something about numbers
and to consider them as God used them wrote them in there for a reason,
to warn us, perhaps and to show that the world He created is very intentional

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