
Trying to do the best we can
It seems it is never good enough
It’s hard to measure up to what we are supposed to be
That is where humility comes in, humility reminds us we are less without You
We are not supposed to be perfect, except in You
That is where the perfection comes from, You,
from joining with You, being one with You

The flesh wants what it wants
Putting it into submission to ourselves is a difficult task,
putting it in submission of You is seemingly impossible
The flesh keeps trying to rule
Then, we have to keep submitting and trying to be humble
Practice makes perfect in that sense, smile

Trying to use our talents for You,
trying to occupy until You come,
trying to be the person You want us to be,
trying to share our gifts,
trying to bear the fruit of the Spirit,
trying to open our hearts to the lost, to not be selfish, to not get offended.
to pray without ceasing, to love our enemies, to honor You in all that we do
All this trying is overwhelming
and it seems to have no end
Just when we think we can rest on our laurels,
another thing to try to do comes up,
something You are teaching us, something we need to work on

Where is our rest?
It is only in You, in this tumultuous world
This wretched world has its good points, but the longer I walk with You,
the more I realize You are the only good in this world,
You and the work You are doing in hearts and minds,
the beauty of Your Kingdom shining through here and there

Those who choose Hell will wish for You and Your presence
Your love is present in the world for all to enjoy
You send rain on the evil and the just
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven:
for He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good,
and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust
. Matthew 5:45 KJV
Your light, Who You are, without You there will only be darkness
All good things come from You
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
and cometh down from the Father of lights,
with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning
. James 1:17 KJV

It is a great honor to serve You, Lord, to be a vessel that needs refining
Is that what our time on Earth is about, refining?
Let us be willing to let You do Your needed work in our lives
Nothing else matters when the dregs of the cup are revealed,
have we let Jesus cleanse us deep within that we may reflect His light?
Let us continue trying

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