Ways to Get Close to God and Stay Close to God

Recognize His deity Matthew 28:18
Give your life to Him Romans 12:2
Love the Truth 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11
You must be Born Again John 3:1-8
Follow Him Luke 9:59-62
Deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow Jesus Luke 9:23
Know He is the Way John 14:6
Receive the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38
Learn about Him Matthew 11:29
Find out who He says He is John 10:30
and what others said about Him in His word Matthew 27:54
Jesus’ word bears witness of Him John 1:1
In it you will find the path of life Psalm 119:105
In it you will find who He is John 1:14
Do not be ashamed of Jesus or of His words Luke 9:26
Listen 1 Kings 19:11-12
Hear John 8:47
Seek clarification Proverbs 23:23
Believe Romans 10:10
Trust Psalm 118:8
Realize His word is above your thoughts Isaiah 55:8-10
Commit Romans 12:1
Surrender Luke 17:33
Follow Jesus where He leads John 10:27
Do not look back Luke 17:32
Go along for the ride Luke 9:1-6
Let Him be the copilot Psalm 37:5
Stay humble before Him 1 Peter 5:6
Look in His word for the answers James 3:17
Fear God Matthew 10:28
Spend time with God Psalm 105:4
Realize that He opens doors no man can shut
and shuts doors no man can open Revelation 3:7
He knows your thoughts, He knows your intentions Hebrews 4:12
Remember you can’t hide anything from Him Acts 5:1-11
Sin is a slithery slope Romans 13:14
Do not love the world 1 John 2:15
neither the things that are in the world Matthew 19:21
Don’t rely on your understanding Proverbs 3:5-6
Give it up 2 Corinthians 10:5
He is your strength 2 Samuel 22:33
He is your shield Proverbs 30:5
And buckler Psalm 18:30
Keep the full armor on at all times Ephesians 6:11-24
Let no breach penetrate 2 Corinthians 6:17
If it does, correct it immediately 2 Kings 12:5

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