When You Are Feeling Insignificant

We all feel that way from time to time
Not important to this person or that
Sometimes feeling not so important to God
It’s a big world and He’s a big God
He has a lot of things on His mind
Even though He says in His word:
He loves us, He created us and has a purpose for our lives
Even that He died for us and shed His blood for us,
we still might get a twinge of feeling unimportant
I know His word is true, but sometimes, I feel like a little grain of sand
There are so many people in the world that have ever lived,
that have ever accepted God and tried to follow Him in good measure

I think this is a thought that can catch us,
because if we feel insignificant to God,
then we are less likely to feel what we do for Him matters
I mean, why would it matter if He has so many other people
who can do whatever He asks?

He set up the world so that we need each other,
that we are all unique and purposeful
Each one of us with our missions for God and whomever He puts in our lives

It is an honor and privilege to do things for God, to work for Him, per se,
to help others to understand Jesus better and to follow Him
and to help them also to feel important to God
That’s how we should all feel because we are important to God
Jesus’ plan for each of us is so different and intricate,
like cells in a body, so many reasons and purposes for us to be here
The list is endless

So, don’t get caught up in believing that you mean little to God
God is really big and completely able to direct each of our steps, one by one
He hears each of our thoughts and knows our every intention
Consider His vastness and great abilities
to focus on each part of who we are and our lives
He wrought us in the intricacies of our individual creation

For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven,
and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones,
or dominions, or principalities, or powers:
all things were created by Him, and for Him
. Colossians 1:16
All things were created by Him and for Him
All things
That means each of us

He numbers the hairs on our head
Number 39,465 fell off today and some other numbered hairs with it
He is not a simple man
His wisdom is vast and infinite
He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
He has plans for each of us
Find out what they are and do them
We are all important to Jesus

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