Who is Bigger?
Who is bigger in your life? You or God?
Sometimes you and God might be equal in a situation
Let Him be God
We struggle, we wrestle for the control
Let God be God
Let God have His way
Be smaller
Let Him be the Lord of the situation
Let Him be the Lord in your life
The Bible is filled with characters who wanted to be the big guys,
the most important, those who refused to serve God,
those who refused to get out of the way
Lot’s wife, Haman, Jezebel and many others
who refused to let God be God
They met their fate
There were others who were graciously reminded of God’s size
and position in the natural world
Cain, Balaam, Saul, Samson and Jonah are examples
of those to whom the Lord showed His strength
because they wanted to do things their own way and disregard God’s size
Who is bigger?
Ask yourself that
Humble yourself, move out of the way
How can you hear the still, small voice if you are big and bad
and the one running the show?
Can’t happen with that attitude
Let God be big and relinquish your position to Him
This is a voluntary act
There will come a day when it won’t be,
when all who dwell on Earth will see how big God really is
If you surrender your life to Him
and your heart’s desire is to let Jesus run the show,
then He May allow for humbling circumstances
so you can be reminded of Who He is
Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up
Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of His hand,
and meted out heaven with the span,
and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure,
and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?
Isaiah 40″12