Who is Jesus’ Best Friend?

I was thinking about that today
Who does Jesus think of as His best friend?
A best friend is someone that we want to share everything with,
when something happens, we want to tell that person
When something good or something bad happens,
we trust them, we know they care, that they have time for us to listen to us
We share our innermost thoughts and feelings with our best friend
They understand our jokes, our humor, our reasonings, our logic, our heart
They understand why we do things or why we don’t do things

I think Jesus’ hope is that He can be that kind of friend to all of us
and that He also can share with us His thoughts and cares and events
That sounds like a lot
We know He was closer to some of the disciples than He was to others
That was mostly because of them and their dedication to Him
He’s there for us the same way now
And He desires to share with us
I don’t really think Jesus has one best friend, but a lot of them
and I think He wishes we would all fall into that category

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