I know things are bad, Lord, but how are You doing?
It is going to get much worse.
I have given them My grace, I have given them My generosity.
Yet they have spurned Me to My face.
They mock Me and they resist My Spirit and they resist My word
and think their ways are best.
They refuse to acknowledge the evil I have shown them, but rather cling to it.
My patience has run dry.
There is no more left.
This is their retribution and as I said, it will get much worse,
and if they still refuse to call out to Me, it will get even worse.
No one will be able to stand when I arise terribly to shake the earth.
From the least to the greatest, none will be able to get their bearings.
They will be spinning in an array of My fury.
They will be confused and confounded and still,
if they cry out for My mercy, I will hear them.
If they do not, if they continue not to acknowledge My existence or importance,
it will get worse still, says the Lord.
Pray for My people to reach out to Me.
Pray for them to hear My voice, to come near when I call.
Pray that they learn that I work all things together for their good.
Pray that they will put their foolish thoughts aside
and listen to My Spirit, who teaches them My word.
Pray that My spirit permeates their hearts and their lives
and is a strength to those who are weary.
There are many things coming on this earth
that will cause gasps and cries and even terrors.
Pray that My people know they will find refuge in Me
and that will be the only place that is safe says the Lord.