Word From The Lord 8 November 2022 and 15 April 2023

Much destruction is coming on the Earth.
You will find your peace in Me.
Look up, look up, for your redemption draws near.
I am allowing this devastation for many reasons.

Those who look to Me will find Me.
I am very near, right at the door.
Once again I will shake the heavens and the earth.
You will see devastation all around you.
They will know that I am the Lord.
All will know that I am the Lord when I rise to shake terribly the Earth.

No good thing will I uphold from those who walk uprightly.
Remember that I will provide for you.
Do not grumble as did the Israelites.
because they could not have this or that that their flesh desired.

Look to Me.
Keep your eyes on Me and you will not be shaken.

This will be for a time and then, even they will tire of the destruction,
those who were used to create it will tire of the world,
and the earth and its contents.
The nations will be ripped apart by war
and the natural birth pangs of the Earth will continue until I return.

Lift Me up for all to see.
Lift Me up for your loved ones to see
and lift Me up for your hearts and your souls will be fulfilled,
even in times of want.
Behold, I am coming soon and My reward is with Me.
Do not take your eyes off of Me, do not get distracted, even for a minute.
The pull of sin and deception will be very strong and compelling.
Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
If you choose his way, the floodgates will open
and it will be very hard to return to Me.
Do not play with fire, especially as you see the day drawing near.

Come My loved ones, come near to Me.
Let Me teach you the hidden treasures and secret mysteries.
My Spirit is drawing and wooing all who are hearing My call, My last call.
The door of the bridegroom.
This will go on for some time
while those who hear will come into My Kingdom.
You will feel it and know it when the door is shut.
it will be a strong darkness which will be felt.
I will still be with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Trust Me, lean on Me.
Memorize My word and draw from my well of Salvation.
Remember who I Am.
Do not forget.
Do not concentrate on the turmoil going on in the world,
but keep your eyes on Me.

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