You Can’t Always see the Inside from the Outside

We see things differently from God
God sees the whole picture
He sees it all, everything, not a thing is missed
God sees the how and the why we do things
He knows our innermost thoughts
He knows our history, how we were raised, our life’s experiences
Jesus has seen all of our sorrows and the lessons we have learned
as we formed our opinions and judgments,
whether they be right or wrong
He understands how we became who we are

What we see on the surface of others does not often give us
an accurate assessment of what is happening inside

I injured my knee
It started to get better, then I twisted it again, this time harder
After a week, it started to feel better,
then I didn’t let it heal enough before I used it too much again
and I was back in the high pain zone
From the outside, it looks fine
Looks like nothing is wrong, not even swollen

It reminds me of people
We have absolutely no way to measure and judge people’s hearts,
how they are thinking, how they are feeling
Things may look perfectly fine on the outside
That is the same way with pain,
The emotional pain that someone may be going through,
the past hurts that contribute to how they perceive things now
Most People like to cover their pain,
to keep it from others
But they can be greatly suffering
while they may look like they have it all together

Jesus said, Don’t cast your pearls before swine
To me, that especially means sharing your innermost feelings,
the intimate details of your heart,
how you’re feeling, what you’re going through

There are some things only God Himself understands
No human could even come close to being able to empathize
with our experiences, our hearts, even our triumphs
That is, unless they have had a similar experience,
and even then, it’s not the same level of understanding God has toward us

We might see outward signs like crying or moodiness
or they might even tell us the situation,
but we still cannot see how it affects them inside
Our ability to extend love and mercy toward them can be helpful to the Lord,
helpful to what He is trying to teach them about Himself
The outward appearance is what we see and even if we know more,
we do not know it all

Job’s comforters had their ideas of how Job should behave,
how he should communicate with God and how he should serve God
They were quite domineering and had Job’s life all figured out
Not only his life, but his faith, his actual relationship with God
They were not helpful to Job and God reprimanded all of them
when He finally spoke to them in the whirlwind

Our Judgments and thoughts are clouded
with our own experiences and knowledge
We cannot see as God sees
For man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart

But the Lord said unto Samuel,
Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature;
because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth;
for man looketh on the outward appearance,
but the Lord looketh on the heart
. 1 Samuel 16:7

Jesus is not fooled by our strength or our coverings
He sees everything
He knows it all
He knows more about what is in our hearts than we do
By us realizing that,
we can more accurately demonstrate His love and mercy to others
who have situations that we cannot understand,
that we cannot see, that we cannot rightly assess
Anyone who is walking around on this Earth condemning others
without the Holy Spirit, is operating in the flesh
That is of a different realm than the spiritual realm
where we are joined with His Holy Spirit,
that is, those of us who have chosen to be a vessel of His Spirit

For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh;
and these are contrary the one to the other,
so that ye cannot do the things that ye would
. Galatians 5:17
Let the Spirit reign in your life as much as you are able
He will pour His love through us if we allow
By loving Jesus and others, we are the best witnesses we can be

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