14 Reasons Why I Won’t Watch ‘The Chosen’ by Randall LaCelle

14 Reasons Why I Won’t Watch ‘The Chosen’ by Randall LaCelle

This is a very informative article written with discernment. Many will not see with God’s eyes. Instead of trying to understand with human logic, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you into all truth.

Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, 
that shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come. John 16:13

This blog post is well-written and very considerate of the scriptures. Loving the truth is the most important thing we can do as Jesus is the truth. The Chosen does not follow the biblical Jesus, the Son of God, God incarnate. Somehow, they have created another Christ.

I watched parts of one or two episodes of The Chosen and that was plenty. I didn’t even make it all the way through either one. Their character of Jesus was hiding in the woods and children secretly came to visit Him, without the permission or knowledge of their parents. Jesus was not sneaky nor did He hide what He was saying and He certainly never had secret meetings with children in the woods. The other episode I saw, Jesus said some very odd things to Mary Magdalene that were not scriptural. Most of what I saw was not scriptural. Why disregard the truth, especially when it comes to our Lord Jesus Christ?

If you watch The Chosen, realize, their Jesus character is not the same Jesus we know in The Holy Bible. It is a different Jesus, a different gospel.

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