
Before Honor is Humility

The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is humility. Proverbs 15:33 Noah had to suffer humilitybuilding that gigantic ark which seemed ridiculousMoses gave up his high position as Pharaoh’s grandson to serve the LordJoseph was humbled by being sold into slavery by his brothersDavid was anointed king, then hunted as prey by Saul […]

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Whatsoever things are Good

I caught myself yesterday glorifying the bad things, the situations, the things I have been sufferingWoe is meTelling someone all the terrible things I had suffered during a situationI wasn’t wrong, I had suffered a lot of difficultiesI am going through a trial and many circumstances are hard and trying and I’m plain tired What

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let Bygones be Bygones

I was thinking of an offenseIt has been many days since the whole thing happenedI have forgivenI have prayed for the personI have let it go with the exception of trying to understand how it happenedI’m still reminded of it when something triggers a memory Let bygones be bygones, I heard the Holy Spirit say

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